Monday, April 23, 2012

Humble Bumble Queen

Today we have a guest.

A humble bumble queen. 

I learned today that if you see a big one like this in the early spring it is a Queen, because none of the other bumble bees live, only the Queen. So by saving her today we have saved a whole colony of some of our most important pollinators. With out her we would not have red clover, one of the vital plants needed to replenish the soil.

She also stayed for tea!

We put her up in the finest hotel.
Hoping the temperature is warm enough tomorrow. I am hoping that if she already has a nest because of how warm it has been, that all those little bumbles will be OK.


leifpeng said...

Patrice; be sure to ask Dave Hind's wife, Kira about bees -- she is a bee keeper! :^)

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